Author: Admin

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Inner Peace in a Turbulent World

Inner Peace in a Turbulent World

This exploration offers a glimpse into the age-old debate on the meaning of life, presenting perspectives from both secular and religious viewpoints. It underscores the impact of this quest on individual and societal well-being and presents the Bible's distinctive approach to finding purpose and hope in life.


What is the Meaning of Life?

This exploration offers a glimpse into the age-old debate on the meaning of life, presenting perspectives from both secular and religious viewpoints. It underscores the impact of this quest on individual and societal well-being and presents the Bible's distinctive approach to finding purpose and hope in life.

How Paul’s Prison Stay Fuelled a Greater Cause

How Paul’s Prison Stay Fuelled a Greater Cause

Have you ever considered the possibility that life’s seemingly darkest moments might serve as fertile ground for incredible growth, influence, and progress? Enter the biblical account of Paul’s imprisonment. This tale, interwoven with profound insights, holds an incredible lesson for each of us. The Unforeseen Enigma: Paul’s Imprisonment Imagine the apostle Paul, wrongfully arrested and...

Grace and Peace

Grace and Peace

Let's delve into its profound significance, offering a fresh perspective that transcends the boundaries of time and appeals directly to our modern existence.

Reflection on Paul’s Ephesian Letter

Reflection on Paul’s Ephesian Letter

Have you ever pondered over the phenomenal power that lies within the palm of the written word? Scripture has offered solace to prisoners, and the incarcerated Apostle Paul was no exception. Held under house arrest in Rome around 61-63 A.D., he used the opportunity to craft what many refer to as “the divinest composition of...

Why Trouble Among Christians?

Why Trouble Among Christians?

If trouble and strife could exist in the inner circle of disciples, taught and guided by Christ Himself, what does this mean for us, the modern-day church?