The Correct Use of the Scriptures

The Correct Use of the Scriptures

The Bible, with its intricate narratives, profound parables, and timeless wisdom, has lit the way to spiritual enlightenment for people across the globe. Yet, we must approach this ancient book with rigorous, informed interpretation to shed light on our modern lives. This guide offers a path to understanding the Bible accurately and responsibly, laying the foundation for a rich Christian life.

The Imperative of Doctrinal Study

We must approach the Bible with respect and reverence. Instead of casually skimming its depths, we should engage in meticulous study. This study transcends intellectual exploration for Christians, becoming a spiritual quest for truth that equips us to become effective missionaries and spiritually enlightened individuals.

Guidelines for Scripture Study

Several guidelines can guide us in our doctrinal study and protect us from misinterpretation:

  1. Literal Understanding: We should mirror Christ’s and the apostles’ approach, treating the scriptures as authoritative and accepting them literally, except when evident figures of speech or symbols are in use.
  2. Intrinsic Coherency: The Bible serves as its own best interpreter. Each scripture interlinks with others, and we gain a clearer comprehension by understanding them in relation to each other. Isaiah 28:10 underlines this principle: “For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little.”
  3. Complete Context Understanding: We need a comprehensive understanding of all scriptures on a given subject before concluding. If we ignore related scriptures, we risk skewed interpretations.
  4. Contextual Harmony: Our interpretations should align with the surrounding text. For instance, Hebrews 4:1-11, which addresses the Christian’s rest in Christ, shouldn’t be misconstrued as an argument for the sanctity of Sunday.
  5. Correct Attribution: We must recognize the source or speaker in a scripture. Phrases such as “Thus saith the Lord of hosts,” “The Lord said,” and “For thus saith the Lord” serve as reminders of the divine authority behind the messages.

Detailed Study and Recognition of Symbolic Meanings

  1. Detailed Verse Analysis: A thorough study of each verse draws us closer to the divine message intended. Specific words and names often reveal secondary layers of understanding.
  2. Importance of Parallel Passages: Parallel passages and repetitions provide different perspectives on the same events or teachings, enriching our understanding.
  3. Correct Symbol Interpretation: We should exercise caution when interpreting symbols or parables. We should apply symbolism where intended and avoid imposing symbolism where it does not exist.

In conclusion, we should regard the Bible as a text to read and a spiritual tool to wield wisely. A rigorous and meticulous approach to scripture study can unlock its timeless wisdom, enabling us to understand and authentically apply our faith in a modern world. Our disciplined engagement with the scriptures allows the Bible’s messages to light our paths, shaping and guiding our spiritual journey. This study extends beyond academic pursuit—it’s an act of faith requiring patience, humility, and openness to the Holy Spirit’s movements. It invites us into a dialogue with the Bible that bridges the temporal gap and addresses our current circumstances and concerns. Through this dialogue, we do more than understand the Bible better; we let it shape, mould, and guide us on our spiritual journey.