Have you ever indulged in a moment of tranquillity and delved deep into the mysteries of the Holy Scriptures? Just like unearthing precious gems hidden beneath the surface, the Bible, too, conceals innumerable treasures of truth that illuminate our journey of faith. This blog draws from the enriching article “Treasures of Truth,” providing a modern interpretation and fresh perspectives.
An Exhortation to Search the Scriptures
Jesus’ call to “Search the Scriptures” encourages us to apply our minds earnestly, painstakingly even, to possess the wisdom and knowledge the Bible offers. In “The Great Controversy” (p.69), the Bible is compared to a rich mine with hidden veins of gold and silver. These hidden truths are not laid bare for the superficial observer but are revealed only to the humble, prayerful seeker.
For a modern mind, some may argue that the simplicity of the Bible and its teachings may seem naive. Such individuals tend to search for complex and profound answers. However, as cautioned in 2 Timothy 3:7, they risk becoming “ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” Here lies a gentle reminder to appreciate the nuggets of truth near the surface. By faith, we accept that “the word of God framed the worlds” (Heb. 11:3).
The Balance of Simplicity and Profundity
God’s characteristic wisdom lies in blending the simple with the profound. Akin to well-marked signboards on the road, the way of salvation is well-marked with signs saying, “This is the way.” As Isaiah 35:8 prophesied, “the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein,” emphasising that God’s profound truth remains accessible to all earnest seekers.
However, some parts of the scriptures remain shrouded in mystery. This is not because God seeks to conceal the truth but because our limitations prevent us from fully comprehending or appropriating it. God’s concealed ways are not intended to keep us ignorant but to acknowledge that His wisdom surpasses the utmost capacity of human understanding.
Prioritising Key Themes in the Study of Scriptures
In today’s fast-paced world, many are distracted by the pursuit of trivial matters or become embroiled in disputes and arguments. The ‘Treasures of Truth’ suggests that our study of the Bible should focus on the great testing truths that constitute the solemn message to the world instead of minor differences that incite contention.
This does not mean we ignore entirely minor themes, but our focus should be on understanding God’s great plan for our salvation. As we delve deeper into the scriptures, we should seek to learn from the Bible about accountability, enlightenment, conviction, reconciliation, repentance, justification, sanctification, faith and works, and other key themes.
Balanced Views and Greater Doctrines
Our pursuit of truth should strive to achieve balance. For instance, the study of law, which points out sin, must be complemented by the study of grace, which enables obedience. We must pair justice with mercy, condemnation with hope, and the cross with the crown.
In addition, it is worth noting that while the Bible does touch upon scientific and historical matters, its primary focus is on spiritual truth and the science of salvation. We must refrain from adding to or subtracting from this divine masterpiece and seek to advance our knowledge of its essential revelations.
Emphasising the Doctrinal Tenets of Present Truth
As we navigate this complex and often confusing world, studying the Bible in light of the doctrinal tenets of present truth becomes increasingly important. In an age of information overload and ever-changing worldviews, we need a return to primitive godliness and a fresh revelation of Jesus Christ.
In this context, we see Christ, the Lord of the Sabbath; Christ, the Resurrection and the Life; Christ, the Presence in the sanctuary and its services; Christ, the True Witness, testifying through the Spirit of prophecy; and Christ, our soon-coming King. Using a concordance and the open Bible, we can ask God to guide us, deepen our understanding, and empower us to teach others the present truth.
Indeed, the best way to learn is to teach. The challenge is not just to comprehend these truths for ourselves but also to share these truths with others. In this way, we become active participants in transmitting truth rather than merely passive recipients. This enhances our understanding and fulfils our duty to our fellow men and women.
Peter’s words in 2 Peter 1:12 reinforce this point, “Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, and be established in the present truth.” As we study the Bible and seek the treasures of truth, we should continually reaffirm our faith, not taking our existing knowledge for granted but always seeking to deepen and broaden our understanding.
In conclusion, the study of the Bible should not be approached as a simple intellectual exercise. It is a spiritual journey that requires a humble, prayerful heart. It is an earnest quest for truth, guided by the principles of balance and priority. And above all, it is an opportunity to draw closer to God, to deepen our understanding of His great plan for our salvation, and to share this truth with the world around us.