Category: Biblical

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The Cows of Bashan: A Timeless Lesson on Charity and Integrity

The Cows of Bashan: A Timeless Lesson on Charity and Integrity

The enduring relevance of these ancient metaphors challenges us to reflect on our actions and attitudes, particularly in our charitable work and dealings with others. Whether we are individuals, charitable organisations, or institutions, the call is clear: to strive for sincerity, humility, and genuine love for others in all we do.

A Hermeneutical Analysis: Leadership as Empowerment in Biblical Texts

A Hermeneutical Analysis: Leadership as Empowerment in Biblical Texts

The Bible presents a distinct interpretation of control in leadership that leans away from authoritarian models and accentuates empowerment, guidance, and service. Such a perspective calls for a reassessment of how control is understood and applied in modern leadership contexts. By embracing the lessons from Moses, Jesus, and Paul, church leaders today can cultivate environments that foster growth, empowerment, and spiritual enrichment, leading with humility and grace, much like biblical exemplars.