“To give truth to him who loves it not is to only give him more multiplied reasons for misinterpretation.” George MacDonald, a renowned Scottish author and Christian minister, once said these profound words, underlining the profound mystery and deep meaning in truth. His statement aptly sets the stage for our topic today as we delve into the Bible to understand the divine title, ‘‘The Son of God’’, and its implications.
The Son of God
The Gospel of Matthew (14:33) chronicles a supernatural incident where Jesus Christ quelled a tempestuous sea, causing those on the ship to worship Him, recognizing His divinity. They said, ““Of a truth thou art the Son of God.”” In that instance, the disciples grasped that Christ was not just a man; He was the embodiment of divinity, the Son of God.
The title ‘‘Son of God’’ holds an intrinsic connection to divinity. Even in ancient Israel, the concept was familiar. References to Israel as the ‘‘Son of God’’ can be found in Exodus (4:22) and Hosea (11:1). Adam is referred to as the ‘‘Son of God’’ in Luke 3:38. Notably, the Jews associated divinity with this title, as seen in John 5:17,18. Yet, they considered Christ’s reference to God as His Father blasphemous (Matt. 26:65).
The Unique Son of God
However, applying the title ‘‘Son of God’’ to Jesus Christ marks a unique and singular occurrence. Jesus is God’s only Son. He attests to being ““the only begotten of the Father”” (John 1:18). The Apostle John also repeatedly uses this title for Christ (John 3:16; 1 John 4:9). Tracing His origin back to God the Father (John 17:8; Prov. 8:22-30), Jesus asserts, ““I am from above”” (John 8:23). He distinguishes Himself as the ‘‘only begotten,’’ implying that no other being shares His unique divine sonship.
This unique sonship of Christ is evident in His intimate relationship with His heavenly Father, as reflected in His words at the temple, ““Did you not know that I was bound to be in my Father’s house?”” (Luke 2:49). The Father Himself testifies from heaven during Jesus’s baptism, ““This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased”” (Matt. 3:17), and once again at the mount of transfiguration (Matt. 17:5; Mark 9:7). The profound discourse between Jesus and His Father in Gethsemane underscores His unique sonship (Matt. 26:36-42; Mark 14:32-29).
The Deeper Meaning of the Father-Son Relationship
The relationship between God the Father and God the Son manifests an extraordinary intimacy, as captured in Jesus’s declaration, ““I and my Father are one”” (John 10:30). His proclamation, ““He that hath seen me hath seen the Father”” (John 14:9), further highlights this intimate bond. However, as the writings of Ellen G. White elucidate in ““The Spirit of Prophecy,”” Volume 1, pp. 17-22; ““Testimonies for the Church,”” Vol. 8, pp. 268-269; and ““Patriarch and Prophets,”” page 37, this intimacy doesn’t denote equality in the absolute sense. The Father always remains distinct, and the Son keeps His position as a Son (John 5:19, 30; 14:28). Indeed, certain knowledge remains exclusive to the Father (Mark 13:32; Matt. 24:36; Acts 1:7).
This Father-Son relationship isn’t a construct of time and space but dates back to eternity. The Bible’s revelation of God commences with this relationship (Gen. 1:26-28). In His prayer, Jesus Himself refers to this eternal bond (John 17:5; Prov. 8:22-30; Mic. 5:2; Col. 1:14-17). Christ’s divine sonship is perceptible in His nature, ministry, and infinite sacrifice.
As we delve into the sacred scriptures, it becomes evident that the title ‘‘The Son of God,’’ as applied to Jesus Christ, signifies a unique and exclusive relationship with God the Father. It encapsulates an intimacy that surpasses human comprehension and delineates a divine filial bond rooted in eternity. Acknowledging this unique sonship transforms our understanding of Jesus Christ, reinforcing His divine nature and His extraordinary relationship with the Father.
We must grasp this profound truth and carry it with us in our spiritual journey, as it holds the key to deeper insights into the divine mystery. The truth might be multi-faceted and often challenging to comprehend, but like George MacDonald’s wise words remind us, truth seeks a loving audience, and it is in the realm of love that it unveils its most profound meanings. Understanding Jesus as the ‘‘Son of God’’ unravels a new dimension of divinity, enriching our spiritual wisdom and relationship with God.
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